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"Shake It Up"
date posted: February 16, 2010

Posted by fit2bblogger

When you’re pregnant, it can be challenging to muster up enough energy to tie your shoes, nevermind getting fully dressed in your gym clothes and proceeding with a real workout.  However, keeping your energy up is exactly what you must do if you want to avoid getting stuck in a rut!

Sure, it’s tempting to sit back and let yourself give in to all of the justifications that pregnancy has to offer – “I’m too tired to move” or “my feet are too swollen for my sneakers” – but you’re wise enough to know that these little explanations for not staying active are just big excuses in disguise.  If knowing this simply isn’t enough motivation to get you going, how about taking into consideration the needs of your growing baby? Don’t make us tell you again how beneficial exercise is to your pregnancy and your baby’s health!

It’s time to shake things up and create a workout routine that’s fun (and easy!) to stay committed to.  Try a new workout DVD, a new class at your gym, or walk a different route than you usually do. Grab a friend who will work out with you and hold each other accountable for reaching your goals. Maybe some new workout wear will inspire you to be active and show off your fabulous form….you’re certainly in the right place for stylish maternity activewear that both performs and pampers! Another great motivator is music. Make a workout worthy iTunes mix to get your feet tapping and your heart pumping. Our favorite song to sweat to is ‘Hot N Cold’ by Katy Perry!

What suggestions do you have to shake up pregnancy workouts? We’d love to know! Post your comments at fit2bblogger

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