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"Morning To Do List"
-Andrea Vincent
date posted: December 06, 2011

For months now I have had this fabulous plan to start the day with some simple stretching, deep breathing, short meditation, and a handful of flowing yoga poses. You know…gently waking up my body and mind instead of slamming my feet to the ground, groaning, and springing into action. The months have rolled by and still no gentle morning awakening. I`m not one to make New Year Resolutions. I am, however, all about the TO DO LIST.

So I`ve now decided to write down a new Plan of Action in the form of a TO DO LIST. I love crossing things off my daily list. I`ve tried online reminders and to do lists. Can`t stand them. Have to print them, in fact. I need paper. I need to see my plan scratched onto scrap paper or the back of an envelope. I need to carry it with me all day and crinkle it at the bottom of my bag.

I will share with you my glorious new TO DO LIST. I will rewrite these items on a new list every couple of days until they are permanently etched into my brain. Hopefully, you too can benefit from some of these new habits to help de-stress, unblock any negative energy, and open your heart, mind, and body.

To-Do December 7, 2011

#1 Tense then relax every muscle in my body BEFORE getting out of bed - followed by 3 deep, cleansing breaths.

#2 Lay down into `corpse pose,` lift head, straight legs, and straight arms off floor and do Breath of Fire (deep panting) for 30 seconds.

#3 Curl up into ball and roll forward, then back for approximately 1 minute.

#4 Stand for forward bend, swaying side to side to let go of any tightness from sleeping.

#5 3 to 5 Sun Salutations.

#6 Sit in front of a window for a short meditation to welcome the day.

This entire list should take approximately 5 to 10 minutes. A drop in the bucket of my day. I am hoping this will help create a positive, generous, blessed day.

Studies show that adding yoga to your weekly fitness routine can build muscle, strength, and flexibility, as well as help you drop weight. Use a BMI calculator to find out if you are carrying around extra weight.

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